Super Bowl betting

Super Bowl national anthem length, over/under prop bet odds and lines (2024)

Recording artist Chris Stapleton performs the national anthem prior to Super Bowl 57 between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip) AP

The excitement of Super Bowl 58 between the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers extends far beyond the field, with various prop betting markets adding an extra layer of thrill. Before the game kicks off, there’s always a buzz around Super Bowl prop bets, including those unrelated to the game’s outcome.

One of the classic prop bets is the over/under on the Super Bowl national anthem length. This bet allows fans and bettors to predict whether the rendition of the national anthem will be longer or shorter than a specified timeframe. It’s a popular bet among casual and seasoned bettors alike, adding a unique twist to the Super Bowl betting festivities.

Here, we break down how the Super Bowl national anthem length over/under works, look at the history of the national anthem at the Super Bowl, and reveal who will be performing this year.

Betting on the Super Bowl national anthem length

Regrettably, legal Super Bowl betting sites in the United States typically don’t allow bets on the national anthem’s length. This is because the anthem doesn’t influence the game’s outcome, making it an ineligible betting market in most states.

However, some sportsbooks, such as FanDuel and BetMGM, may offer unique bets tied to the game, like whether the anthem’s duration will be longer than the game’s longest drive. For instance, DraftKings Sportsbook had such a bet a few years ago. If sportsbooks don’t provide these options, you can still engage in casual bets with friends or family. You might bet on the anthem’s duration using an over/under format or a closest-guess approach.

If you’re looking to bet on the game, our most trusted sportsbooks are featured below. Please note that some of the links on this page are affiliate links. This means that if you click on these links and sign up for the mentioned service, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you.

FanDuel Sportsbook

BetMGM Sportsbook

Super Bowl national anthem length history

The tradition of the national anthem at the Super Bowl dates back to the game’s inception in 1967. Over the years, it has evolved into a full-fledged spectacle. In recent times, sportsbooks have closely monitored rehearsals to avoid leaks that could influence betting.

Since the 1980s, the choice of the national anthem singer has always been a topic of interest leading up to the game. The NFL has historically sought out top musical talents for this honor, with past performers including Diana Ross, Neil Diamond, and Whitney Houston.

The shortest rendition was by Billy Joel, who completed the anthem in just 1:30. Alicia Keys claimed the record for the longest performance at 2:36 during Super Bowl 47, while other notable performers include Jennifer Hudson, Carrie Underwood, Christina Aguilera, Alicia Keys, Lady Gaga, Luke Bryan, Pink, and Demi Lovato.

Betting on the Super Bowl national anthem length

Betting on the length of the national anthem became a market in 2007 during Super Bowl 41. In recent years, performances have varied in length, with the average duration hovering around 1:43. However, predicting the exact duration remains challenging.

Who is singing the national anthem at Super Bowl 58?

To make an informed bet on the length of the national anthem, it’s crucial to know who’s performing. This year, Reba McEntire will be singing the national anthem.

Super Bowl 58 national anthem length: Odds and betting lines

Predicting the duration of the national anthem at Super Bowl 58 is a challenge, with previous years seeing a mix of over and under outcomes. Most major sportsbooks will offer odds for this, typically around -110 for both over and under. Additional prop bets include halftime show specifics, Gatorade color, and more.

Super Bowl national anthem length betting markets

Typically, the over/under for the Super Bowl national anthem length is set at around 1:50.

The betting markets for the Super Bowl 57 national anthem length at two major sportsbooks were:

  • DraftKings: Over/Under 2:02 (-135/+105)
  • Caesars: Over/Under 2:02 (-124/-106)

It is important to note that while online and mobile sports betting are legal in New York, bets related to the national anthem length, Gatorade color, halftime show, and Super Bowl MVP are prohibited in the state.


In summary, the over/under bet on the length of the Super Bowl national anthem adds an intriguing element to the game’s festivities. This bet, blending music and sports, exemplifies the broad appeal of the event, offering a playful yet competitive twist to your Super Bowl experience.

As you gear up for the game, consider joining in on this popular tradition, adding a bit of extra excitement to the anticipation of the national anthem performance. Otherwise, the Super Bowl coin toss, Super Bowl Gatorade shower, and Super Bowl halftime prop bets are also popular options. provides exclusive sports betting content to, including picks, analysis, tools, and sportsbook offers to help bettors get in on the action. Please wager responsibly.

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About the Authors
Damien Souness
With over 15 years of experience, Damien Souness is a highly respected sports and betting expert. His commitment to delivering accurate and timely content has solidified his authority as a trusted writer, ensuring that readers receive reliable information.

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